10 Traits of Double-mindedness, 4 Destructive Consequences, and 7 Tips to Deliverance
Double-mindedness, in essence, is the fear of commitment. And by not committing to anything, he has committed to what he is least likely to commit.
As the subtitle describes, double-mindedness in essence is a fear of commitment.
A fear of commitment comes from the fear of failure,
and the fear of failure comes from the fear of rejection,
the fear of rejection comes from insecurity,
insecurity comes from the confusion about identity,
and being confused about identity is the symptom of all who have not experienced a complete salvation and abided in Christ.
“He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.”
James 1:8
This is probably the first time double-mindedness has a clear biblical definition, however, throughout the Bible, we can see that this is a signature trait of Satan and an outrageous evil God hates.
Due to our sinful nature, all men are double-minded, only that some are more double-minded than the others.
The purpose of this article is for us to examine ourselves first and then to help others who are trapped in this limbo to receive complete salvation in Jesus Christ.
Technically, this article can be split into three, but I want to make sure those who are self-diagnosed as “double-minded” find hope at the end.
In this article:
- Lukewarmness vs. double-mindedness
- 10 Traits of double-mindedness
- A Heart problem or a Mind problem?
- 4 Destructive consequences
- 7 Tips to deliverance
Lukewarmness vs. double-mindedness
These two are different.
Lukewarm Christians are static — meaning that they are comfortable where they are, ignoring that God will spit them out. (Revelation 3:16)
However, double-minded men are dynamic — they keep going back and forth restlessly. They suffer from their own double-mindedness.
Double-mindedness is not a final stage — it’s a transition. This double-minded person will either be fully convinced or fully corrupted.
Double-minded believers struggle with their faith extra harder. They know better but can’t do better; they can’t give up on sin yet hate themselves for sinning.
“One person regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind.” Romans 14:5
My brothers and sisters, while you’re offended reading through this article, hang in there. In this fallen world, the truth is always offensive, but the truth will set you free. The enemy programmed lies into us that became strongholds. You can’t pull down the strongholds without radical force.
10 Traits of double-mindedness
All 10 traits come from the same cause: double-minded men fear of making a commitment.
First, let’s trace the origin of double-mindedness.
And the Lord said to Satan, “From where do you come?”
So Satan answered the Lord and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.”
Job 1:7
In this conversation, Satan answered God’s question by not answering it.
What did Jesus say about that?
“But let your statement be, ‘Yes, yes’ or ‘No, no’; anything beyond these is of evil.” Matthew 5:37
From these scriptures, we can conclude the first trait of being double-minded:
From the scripture above, we can conclude the first trait of being double-minded:
№1 Vagueness, elusiveness
They can’t give you a clear answer. Like Satan, they are the masters of confusion and the art of answering by not answering.
A great example is the word, “partner.”
No gender, no relationship status, basically, it means “acquaintance.”
When I first came to the United States, I thought people were talking about their business partners.
№2 Waywardness, caprice
They don’t have plans — or they plan a lot but never follow through.
They want to be a baker and act on it quickly, purchasing all the appliances and ingredients, but if you ask them two weeks later, they’d tell you they are rather gifted in music and they should start a band.
Because of that, double-minded individuals have a hard time accomplishing anything that takes time and consistent effort.
№3 Shallowness, nothing takes root in them
They are the rocky ground Jesus described in the Parable of the Sower.
“The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away.”
Matthew 13:20–21
See that Jesus described these people “at once receive it with joy.” Double-minded men are often passionate, but because they have no roots, their passion is fruitless.
№4 Forgetfulness
In Exodus, when the Israelites forgot about God’s works of miracles, they sinned. Double-minded men are forgetful. Whatever God has done for them, they can’t hold fast to it in trials or in prosperity.
For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was.
James 1:23–24
As believers, our life starts with a promise of God, and the journey is about holding fast to that promise till its manifestation.
Double-minded men receive the promise with joy but because of their forgetfulness, they can’t witness its fulfillment — they can’t live to prove out the perfect will of God and His faithfulness.
As a result, their doubt in God increases, and they’re trapped in this bad cycle, until they make a decision to surrender or to apostasize.
№5 Inconsistency
Their words contradict with actions, and their actions don’t last.
They talk a lot, swear a lot, promise a lot — it’s not even intended to deceive. They are sincere in what they talk about, they are addicted to that dopamine, but their actions just can’t match up. Like trying to run in a dream, their legs are paralyzed.
You won’t see them working on the same goal for years, whether that’s a degree, a career, or a relationship. They jump around and dabble in different things.
№6 Selfishness and irresponsibility (shirk duty and can’t own their mistakes)
Either they don’t have a sense of responsibility, or they do, but they won’t take their responsibility.
They rarely repent, but often regret, not because they’re sorry for the influence on others, but because of the consequence they are bearing.
№7 Fluidity(Lost in identities, goals, desires, and values)
A fluid individual is a “whatever,” and “I-don’t-know” individual.
They are confused about their identity. They’d love to think they can be everything when deep inside, they feel like they’re nothing.
№8 Self-deceit
They are often quite convincing since they believe in the lies they tell others.
They might not even lie for selfish benefits, but because they live in deception. They lie to primarily convince themselves, and if others believe them, they feel validated.
The more people they lie to, the more validation they might gain. They feed on these validations to never have to come to the truth.
№9 Distraction
They put their hands on the plow, looking back and around. They have spiritual ADHD. Every religion has a small piece of truth. Even worldly wisdom sound applicable even if it contradicts Godly wisdom.
Because of this distraction, the worries, riches, and pleasures of the world can easily tempt them away from their destiny and purpose.
№10 Low self-esteem and hubris
They believe they can be millionaires overnight meanwhile seeing themselves as trash.
They are self-sabotaging. While they act on their dreams and goals, they’re two steps forward three steps backward. Deep inside, they don’t think they deserve anything good, pure, holy, and everlasting; while on the outside, they despise “small things” and only aim for greatness.
A Heart problem or a Mind problem?
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8
From the name itself, it sounds like a mind issue — the mind is divided, and when you put the weight of God’s promise on such a mind, the division grows even larger. (Credited to Pastor Bill Johnson)
The Word of God tests out the double mind.
Many believers are double-minded — they know the gospel, and they believe that Jesus is the Son of God who died on that cross for our sins, who resurrected three days later. They read the Bible at least now and then.
Still, why does double-mindedness exist in these believers?
A double mind is merely the symptom. The real cause is a sick, contaminated heart.
The heart is deceitful above all things — from the heart, it springs out the issues of life.
As Jesus explained in the Parable of the Sower, the heart is the soil, and the Word is the seed.
The Parable illustrates why such individuals are double-minded — they receive the Word with joy but their heart is so sick that the Word can’t take root deep enough to bring forth fruits.
However, because of that initial joy, they seem to have been born again, only time and trial will manifest their double-mindedness.
“If you abide in Me, and My Word abides in you, ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you.” John 15:7
4 Destructive consequences
№1 Failures — Unable to accomplish anything
Success is consistent effort in the same thing toward the same direction — what exactly double-minded men lack. One head turns them this way, the other head pulls them to the opposite. Stagnancy is recession in life, since time is rapid that runs forward, waiting for no one.
№2 Loneliness — Can’t have fulfilling, lasting relationships
They can’t stay in any relationships because their feelings, attitudes, and emotions change all the time. They don’t have the patience and devotion to invest in anyone. Perfect love casts out fear, but double-minded men are filled with fear of commitment and rejection.
№3 Poverty — Have a hard time making enough money
They are neither down-to-earth nor confident in their career. Either they fear they’ll never succeed even if they try hard, or they think they are too big for some mean jobs God gave them for a season.
“So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?” Luke 16:11
№4 Mental illness — Depression, anxiety, bipolar, delusion
Double-minded men damage everyone around them to different degrees but ultimately, they damage themselves the most in their never-ending battle within themselves.
“What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you? Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in your members?” James 4:1
7 Tips to deliverance
№1 Repent, ask God for a new heart by first bridling your tongue
No repentance, no salvation.
No salvation, no Holy Spirit.
No Holy Spirit, no renewed mind.
My personal experience is, we must keep God’s Commandments first before we can understand why keeping them. The heart’s purification and healing launch after we surrender.
God gave me a new heart when I no longer took any sin lightly. For example, the sin of the tongue.
Be alert that you don’t simply curse, swear, boast, lie, slander, gossip, or rant — all the evil of the tongue gushes out from the heart.
Bridle your tongue, and watch your heart revive.
“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” Luke 6:45
№2 Receive your identity in Christ
To abide in Jesus means to know His Word to discern His voice, and above all, do as He commands.
Our identity is firmly established in Christ, having nothing to do with positions or circumstances. In highs or lows, God sees us as His children, loved unconditionally by a perfect Father.
Insecurity is mostly a result of parenting and self-parenting. We were all programmed into false beliefs by our parents and the world. Renounce them, unlearn them.
№3 Stick to discipleship, be vulnerable, and serve others
You can’t follow Jesus on your own against this fallen world. Find a local community if possible, be in-person and in discipleship with other believers who hold you countable, who are not afraid to offend you and speak the truth in love.
Be vulnerable to them as they are struggling with various sins themselves. They might be more experienced down this narrow path but don’t see yourself as less than, knowing that they need your support as well. Serving others is the fastest way to feel the presence of God.
№4 Be alert to what you hear and feel
Not all thoughts are yours and all voices are from God. Pray for discernment and be on the alert at all times.
Any thoughts, any feelings that come to us must be examined first — is this contradictory to the Word of God? Is it half-lie, half-truth? Is it self-serving or God-glorifying?
We don’t live by feelings but by the living Word of God.
Don’t sin out of anxiety, anger, loneliness, or boredom — pray and fast and immerse yourself in the Word. Repeat this until the Holy Spirit illuminates you and you hear clearly from God, and then make a decision.
№5 Hold fast to the Word of God
Whatever happened, delve into the Word of God. Everything in this world, including our circumstances and our reactions to the circumstances, is passing away. Only the Word of God stands forever.
When in doubt, open your Bible, pray, fast, until you have peace, joy, and hope.
№6 Cultivate discipline in all things
Spiritual discipline does not go by itself.
Just like a bad morning often leads to a bad day, being slack and compromising in other areas of life will sabotage your discipline in discipleship.
“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” Matthew 16:24
Be disciplined also in your workout, your diet, your sleeping hours, your productivity, your tithing, and your service to others.
Sometimes, tolerating “cheat days” is harder than being disciplined all the time.
I know this sounds daunting and exhausting, and you might wonder — what is the point? Like life isn’t hard enough?
The point is:
life is always hard, whether you choose to be disciplined or not, and life is the hardest when you choose neither.
By choosing nothing, you’ve chosen double-mindedness and the destruction that comes after.
№7 Fast, pray, seek deliverance
I believe that if you’re saved, and you have sought mental disease specialists, you’ve truly repented, prayed, and fasted but things just don’t seem to change miraculously, maybe it’s time to seek deliverance.
For those who find demonology too “crazy,” I want to challenge you to ask yourself first according to Tip №4 above —
Who planted this attitude in your mind?
Who benefits from this attitude of yours?
You or the demons?
— it is written:
These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Mark 16:17–18
Read the Old Testament, and you may realize that never has anyone cast out demons before Jesus, because casting out demons by the Spirit of God is a sign that the Kingdom of God has come upon us, eradicating the kingdom of darkness. (credited to Pastor Derek Prince)
“But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.” Matthew 12:28
Dear Readers,
I’m considering switching to Substack, where you could subscribe to my writing for free(I know Medium charges). But at this point, I’ll post simultaneously on both.
Here’s a list of articles I wrote in the past that might be helpful:
With love,